Shoppable Content

Maximize Sales with Video on Website: A Guide for Ecommerce Business

Learn how to use videos to boost sales on your eCommerce website in our latest blog! Discover the 4 types of videos you should be using and more!

A website video is a great way to add excitement to your ecommerce website and boost sales. You don't need a lot of money or equipment to make a good video for your website, and you can use it on any device. When used correctly, videos can help customers feel more engaged with your business and increase their trust in what you're offering them. Website video is also a great way to stand out from other companies in today's crowded marketplace - especially if yours is the only one using shoppable videos on its website! In this article, we'll look at different types of videos that work well for ecommerce websites, how they can be used effectively as part of an overall marketing strategy, and how Stream Sage can help you take advantage of shoppable videos on websites today!

How to use videos on your website?

The most common way to use video on websites is to help users understand the value of your product. Videos are an excellent tool for demonstrating how to use your product, and they can also be used to show off its features.

There are other ways that videos can be used on a website:

  • Tell a story - The power of storytelling is one of the best ways to engage customers and build loyalty by helping them relate more closely with you or your brand.
  • Make it fun - If you want people who visit your site regularly, try adding some humor to your videos!

4 types of videos to use on your website

There are four main types of videos you can use on your website:

  • Product videos
  • Shoppable videos 
  • Informational videos, including how-to's and DIYs (do-it-yourself)
  • Customer testimonials

Video is one of the best ways to boost sales on your website

Video increases engagement and helps you rank better - statistics show that videos on websites receive more than 2X higher engagement, which in turn boosts your search engine rankings. Video can be used to create a new experience for users, making them feel like they're part of something special when they visit your site.

Making videos for your website can help increase sales and keep customers happy

Video on website is a great way to keep customers happy and increase sales. Video can help you stand out from the crowd. It can be used to enhance your brand, showing off your products and services in an engaging way that will get people excited about them.

Add video to your website

You need to be sure that your video is relevant to your ecommerce business and the product or service you are selling. It also needs to be relevant to the user, who has come looking for information about a particular product. Finally, it must be relevant on the page where it appears (i.e., if they're looking at a category page, then videos should be related only to items within that category).


You don't need to be a filmmaker to make good videos for your website - simple is good!

Use your smartphone or tablet, and free video editings software like iMovie, or even YouTube's built-in editor. You can create great video content for a website with very little investment in time or money.

Keep it simple and short: keep the focus on what you do best by telling the story of how you started out (or why), what you do now, and who uses your product/service. The most important thing is that people understand what problem they're solving when they hire you or buy from you; this will help them decide whether or not they want to work with/buy from/become customers of yours.

Use videos to create a new experience for users

Website video is a great way to create a new experience for users, who will be more engaged with your website and brand. You can use it to tell a story, engage them and increase the time they spend on your site or app. Shoppable videos can also be used as an interactive tool, making them more engaging than just text or images alone.

Check the example of the enriched video below. We used redirection to our articles, but we can easily turn them into a shoppable product!



Do not use video just to show a product 

Introduce customers to the backstage of making a video: customers want to know who you are and what you're about, so give them a behind-the-scenes look at your business. Show them how things are made or explain why you do what you do. You might even invite some customers into the office for an interview! This will help people connect with your brand and build trust in the quality of your products or services.

Shoppable videos that walk customers through your products and services can be very helpful

Videos can be a great way to show your product in action, which can be helpful for those who are new or not familiar with what your business has to offer.

Video content for website  is also an excellent way to explain how a product works and how it should be used by customers. This type of video will help you educate people about what makes your company unique, as well as any special features that may come with certain products or services (such as installation tips).

Stand out from your competition by using videos!

Since customers are used to watching videos on their phones, it's also an excellent way to stand out from the pack in today's crowded marketplace.

Video content for a website can help you explain your product or service in a way that plain text simply cannot do. It gives you an opportunity to show off what makes you special and different while putting a real face on your brand - something many consumers prefer over impersonal advertising messages.

But just because people like watching videos doesn't mean they'll watch any old clip you throw up there! Make sure that whatever video content for the website you create is engaging, entertaining and informative - and not too long or boring (the average attention span has dropped from 12 minutes in 2000 all the way down to 8 seconds today). Also, keep an eye on what competitors are doing (or not doing) with their own video content for websites so as not to fall behind them when it comes time for marketing campaigns later down the road.

About - 4

Make sure that your video is not too long

In order to ensure that your video on website is not too long and boring, you should look at what competitors are doing and make sure you have something different from them.

For example, if a competitor has a 2-minute video on their homepage, then yours should be shorter than that. It's important to keep the attention of the visitor by keeping it short and interesting so they don't get bored quickly or leave without watching your entire video!

Our solution for shoppable videos on the website: Stream Sage

If you want to add shoppable videos to your website, Stream Sage is a great solution.

Stream Sage unlocks direct shopping in seconds and empowers brands and creators to boost sales and engagement. Our innovative platform allows viewers to purchase featured products directly from the video without leaving it. It also provides simple and efficient creation of shoppable videos, as well as exceptional support for brands and influencers to monitor their success. Stream Sage is versatile and can be used for live streaming, videos, blogs - all kinds of content!

We hope that this article has given you some ideas about how to use video content on websites.. It is a great way to tell your story and create an experience for users. You can also use it as a selling tool by creating shoppable videos that allow customers to purchase directly from within the video player itself! Reach us at and let's start the shoppable content journey together!

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